Sabi Amariyo

Samurai, Conjurer, Crafter of Things

Cactuar - Aether DC

About Sabi

basic info
Name: Sabi Amariyo
Age: Approximately 24
Gender: Female
Race: Mi'qote, Seeker of the Sun

~ personality ~
Positive Traits: charismatic, loyal (to very few), determined, observant, courteous
Negative Traits: avaricious, deceitful (few exceptions), merciless, detached, vindictive

~ appearance ~
Hair color: Pink, with white highlights OR Black, with magenta highlights
Height: 4ft, 10in | 150 cm
*Distinguishing Marks: *A scar across the bridge of her nose.

~ family ~
Spouse: u n k n o w n
Parents: father: W'loceh Nuhn | mother: W'tixi Tyatu
Siblings: u n k n o w n
Children: none
Other: u n k n o w n
Contacts: u n k n o w n

~ contacts ~
u n k n o w n

~ other info ~
Birthplace: Deep in the forests of the Black Shroud
Nameday: 11th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Guardian: Rhalgr, the Destoryer
Current Residence: Kugane, Hingashi
Owned Property: Apartment: Mist, W1, Apt 6 | Private Estate: Shiro, W14, P39
Venue Occupations: Greeter & Chef / House Cat at The Gates
Hobbies: crafting, visiting venues, [redacted], training and practicing her skills

+ to be added to Sabi's background / family, or to have any sort relationship 'canon' in her story, please contact me about it and we can talk it over!

Sabi's Backstory

~ u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n ~
~ I'm shortening it so its not an ACTUAL novel, so things will be added in more detail at a later date. this is NOT knowledge to be used IC unless there's an actual reason for it (ie. for a hook)~

+ to be added to Sabi's background / family, or to have any sort relationship 'canon' in her story, please contact me about it and we can talk it over!

Tucked away in the forests of the Black Shroud, Sabi spent a majority of her youth studying the ways of conjuring under her mother's hand so that she could step into the role of healing/assisting the wounded when they returned from their ventures. As much as Sabi enjoyed helping when she could, she got bored quickly which resulted into her getting into trouble just for fun. Everything from disrespecting the elders, breaking into nearby villages, and stealing things from vendors all resulted in her being brought back to the village by a friend of her mother, who didn't want to see Sabi put in any sort of prison.Lack of discipline during her youth led to her crimes increasing in risk, as well as her drawing interest to the dark arts of Black Magic. She was reading up on the subject when her mother offered to find her a mentor for thaumaturgy, but putting her foot down on her dabbling in anything that would cross into black magic territory. She spent the first fifteen years of her life with her tribe in the Black Shroud as a helpful nuisance since she kept up with helping her mother with the conjuring when needed due to a lack of tribe members with sufficient aether to help without harming themselves, as well as helping with the children around the village. In her eyes, everything seemed to be going well for at least a little while as she kept her Black Magic studies to herself and keeping her stone close to her, claiming that she was just overworked from the conjuring when in reality she was dealing with a form of aether sickness as a result of overwhelming herself trying to learn from an elder who was displeased of how the tribe was being ran by Sabi's father, and who better than his rebellious and rash daughter to burn it to the ground?Just after her sixteenth birthday, Sabi's aether sickness began to take more of a toll on her, several days out of a week she would be complaining from being so dizzy she couldn't walk on her own and then she'd jump at her own shadow, people began to notice the signs. Upon her secret being outed to the tribe, opinions were mixed on how to deal with her due to her behavior in recent years; where everything from keeping her in a prison to banishing her from the tribe were thrown to a vote. Hours passed before the tribe council find a fitting punishment for her, they claimed her behavior was due to her acting out since she was the youngest of her mother's children which resulted in her being forced to grow-up quicker than all of her siblings and other children in the tribe. The way they believed would help fix her behavior would be to put her in a prison-like hold secluded from the rest of the tribe unless she was needed to help her mother, then she'd be permitted to be out of the cell while under heavy watch.It was a year later that they sat down to consider releasing Sabi back into the tribe to live as she pleased, the second meeting they had after she was placed into the solitary system and the second one her father protested and argued against her release, now claiming she'd be more of a heathen as things were going well while she was locked away. Much to Sabi's surprise, everyone on the council believed that she was still just 'acting out' and it would be fair to let her free and just monitor her actions due to her exemplary behavior when she was permitted to roam about and help her mother, even volunteering to help some of the elders when they requested help, as well as keeping herself occupied with books she was given to study. Little did they know, permitting her to assist the elders was one of the worst decisions they could've made, next only to that vote to let her run free. Sabi was given a year of time to scheme how she'd enact her revenge and after she was denied to go back to her freedom the first time she had a target in her eyes, her father.Within a month, Sabi finally was situated in a small inn located in Kugane, where she decided she was going to take a step back from magic and try her hand at the way of the Samurai. She quickly let her practice consume her, keeping her out of trouble and her head down until W'naidjaa's contacts had gotten ahold of her, giving her notice they’d soon have had work for her. Sabi, who was still adjusting to her new life, didn’t bother asking what work they were speaking of, just glad she’d have a way to make some gil from some people she could consider trusting.Several days later Sabi was awoken from her sleep by a knock on her door and a paper was slipped under it, causing Sabi to lock her eyes on the door, pulling a knife from her boots sitting by her bed in preparation for the door to open. But it never did. She waited a moment, listening for footsteps before slipping out of bed and approaching the door to retrieve the note, all while keeping the weapon in a tight grip. She took the note in her hand before she quickly retreated to her bed, only then did she put the knife down to examine the note - something that would stay with her forever.Avoiding the possibility of making her old aether sickness symptoms reappear, Sabi stuck to perfecting her physical combat studies, specifically that of Samurai and Ninja though she took a particular love to the art of the Samurai. Behind closed doors, she worked with W'naidjaa's contacts to take care of contracts in nearby areas, varying everything from sneaking contraband in or out of the city to drawing blood, when the price was everything was fair game.Soon enough, Sabi had enough coin to purchase a small house in Shirogane where she was able to move her business without any raising any suspicion for random visitors or people falling ill after a meeting with her, insisting they must’ve consumed something from the cafe in town. However, this wasn’t the case at all, since the studying she did while in isolation was on botany and alchemy, so she knew quite well what she was doing and how to pull it off. While keeping up appearances wasn’t so easy for the random influx of coin she now had, she got creative and decided to pick up jobs across Eorzea at different bars and clubs so that she could avoid suspicion.There was hardly enough time in a day for all of her new obligations, so Sabi’s often found reading while at work when she’s not observing those in the venues, knowing the moment she drops her guard it when her actions will catch up to her as her hands have blood on them and no one can run forever. Being on edge constantly took a toll on her though, as she can hardly trust those that she’s known for years in fear that they’ll betray her, but she’d do anything for them without asking any questions or hesitation. Those that Sabi can fully trust have her unbreakable loyalty, but she can count on one hand the people that fall into that category, regardless how friendly she seems with someone, is it real or is it a facade for some reason or another? She can’t always tell the difference either, especially when she’s convinced almost everyone is working with some other power that is out to get her for her crimes, whether it be the authorities or a revengeful friend/relative of someone she took harm to.Some day, Sabi knows it will all catch up to her.

Plot Hooks

+ You catch Sabi watching you, studying you almost to figure out where it is she recognizes you from.+ In need of Sabi's services, whether it be for the life of crime or to purchase items she crafts.+ Sabi is a known healer who tends not to ask questions as to what happened, you recieve a reference to take someone / be brought / bring yourself to her house in bad shape, hoping she can help you.+ Sabi can often be found hanging out in fight clubs or other taverns, but tends to avoid alcohol as she turns into a reckless drunk.+ Sabi is easily spooked, running from her past has caused her to be jumpy as no tomorrow.+ Sabi's on the run, laying low in a sense, but you're working with the authorities to help facilitate her capture.

OOC Info

+ I'm twenty-four years old, she/her pronouns+ I'm available almost anytime during the day and late evening EST. During the evening, Sabi has IC work at several venues (see Sabi's info for more on that). I do still enjoy the game's content (ie. dungeons / raiding / etc.), so replies would be held up a bit if I'm involved with something. Any and all real life things take priority over any roleplay.+ In game or discord roleplay is okay with me, but if we use discord I'd prefer to use a server simply so we can keep things organized.+ I'd prefer Third Person / Detailed over First Person or using asterisks.+ IC =/= OOC !!! I'm in a happy relationship IRL, so that being said, actions of Sabi do not reflect my own personal behaviour or stances. However, I don't mind becoming friends OOC and doing in-game content together (again, just don't be weird).+ On a similar note, Sabi will react IC to things that occur, she has emotions too! Any hostility or other reactions to an IC scenario is simply that, Sabi's reaction. In the event I, the Player, have a problem with something going on I'll reach out OOC and let you know rather than causing any sort of scene IC.+ Under no circumstances is bullying or harassment towards other role-players tolerated.